Shamanic Therapy

When you are in search for answers why certain situation and experiences repeat itself over and over, when you feel blocked, reached an end of a lane, when you are sad without a concrete reason or any other situation that you want to get out of but do not know how, look into your inner self.

In the depth of our souls we can find the answers and the direction we are longing for. There you can free yourself from past traumas, known or unknown, without carrying them further on in your bloodline. Find the freedom and start walking a new path.

A shamanic therapy is leading to profound healing and change of energy. The shaman travels into the underworld and/or the upper world to find those places where the soul needs healing and he clears heavy energies from your energy field. A shaman walks with you in your healing journey but it is your journey and he/she can only help you and hold you, you have to walk the path yourself.

Sometimes a single session is enough, the healing process is initiated and the client can walk alone from there. Other times the process opens up other subjects that need working, until you come to the bottom of the subject and have cleared the old stories so that you no longer need to carry the suffering. In any case, it will take time to integrate all that is new and the energetic treatment will have to make its way into the mind and body as well. We recommend to give yourself at least one month time between sessions for full integration.

Are you ready to start a journey into the depth of your soul?

We are here for you to accompany you with an illumination therapy!

”Embrace your authentic self!”


  • 390 lei / session

​Aprox Duration:

  • 60 – 90 min

Sign up for this therapy


For details and appointments please contact us on 0720 000 031 or on

Free of charge cancellation can be done up to 24 hours before the agreed rental time.

Cancelletaion with 24 hours before the agreed rental time will be charged with 50 % of the respective rent.

Wayra Astrae is home to complimentary therapies and personal development. For medical treatment and prescription drugs please consult a medical practitioner.


Wayra Astrae

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0720 000 031

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