Terms and Conditions of www.wayra-astrae.ro website

I.        General Information

  1. By placing an order on our website www.wayra-astrae.ro, you – hereinafter referred to as the buyer, become a customer of SC WAYRA ASTRAE SRL, hereinafter referred to as Wayra Astrae. Therefore, we invite you to read all the following pieces of information before completing the purchase process of the products on our website.
  2. The sole trader of the products for sale on our website www.wayra-astrae.ro, hereinafter referred to as online stores is SC WAYRA ASTRAE SRL.
  3. The information on the trader is:

Company name: WAYRA ASTRAE SRL

Registered office: 17, Teheran St., ground floor, Apt.1, 011931 Bucharest, Romania

Sole registration code: 38354757

Running number with Bucharest Trade Register J40/17478/2017

Contact telephone number: 0720000031

Contact e-mail address: contact@wayra-astrae.ro

  1. Our online store fulfills the orders received from buyers subject to availability and only if the General Terms and Conditions of the website have been accepted, which are mandatory and necessary for the placement of an order.
  2. The prices and quantities available in the online store are carefully updated.Wayra Astrae reserves its right to unilaterally change any price incorrectly displayed due to human error, calculation, editing or technical errors that may occur, as well as if the changes are required by the laws in force when the change is made. Wayra Astrae assumes no liability for the display of erroneous prices or information due to technical errors that may occur during the operation of the online store. Wayra Astrae also reserves its right to withdraw certain products due to quality or other issues that may arise.
  3. The entire content of the site www.wayra-astrae.ro is the exclusive property of SC WAYRA ASTRAE SRL and is protected by the copyright protection law (Law no. 8/1996).Use by anyone of graphics, web elements, scripts, programs, databases, images, text without the consent of Wayra Astrae is punishable in compliance with the applicable law. Copyright infringement cases can be reported to contact@wayra-astrae.ro

II.      Registration in the Online Store

2.1.      Placing an order in the online store does not require prior registration, the necessary data for delivery and payment shall be provided at the end of the order process.

III.     Purchase Process in the Online Store

3.1.      Buyers can only place orders via the online store. Orders by phone, fax, e-mail or mail are not accepted. Wayra Astrae shall provide buyers with information on ordering by electronic means. Exceptions are unforeseen situations where telephone clarifications are required prior to confirming the ordering information by electronic means.

3.2.      In order to learn more about the products, go to the “Product Description” section next to the image of each product. If you have any further questions regarding the products, please contact us at: contact@wayra-astrae.ro

3.3.      Product prices are displayed for each selected product, are noy VAT inclusive and always refer to the price per unit of measure, e.g. session, 1 (one) bottle, 1 (one) piece, etc.

3.4.      You can collect the selected products by clicking on the “Shopping Cart” button. The contents of the Shopping Cart can be changed or deleted before placing the order. Any shipping charges shall be automatically added to the contents of your shopping cart. A shipping fee of RON 23 (twenty-three) is automatically applied if you request the delivery of the products to your address in Romania.

3.5.      The order is an electronic document acting as a form of communication between the seller and the buyer, whereby the buyer communicates to the seller, via the website, the intention thereof to purchase goods and services from the website. The order is completed by pressing the “Place order button. The order shall be deemed an online contract created, but unsigned, which shall be archived and can be accessed at any time at a later date. The online contract is the remote contract between Wayra Astrae, as seller and the buyer, without their simultaneous physical presence.

3.6.      Wayra Astrae shall send an e-mail confirmation on the receipt of the order. In the absence of available stock, Wayra Astrae may not be able to fulfill the order immediately. In these situations, Wayra Astrae shall notify the buyer by electronic means or by telephone.

3.7.      After receiving an order, Wayra Astrae shall contact the buyer, if their delivery address is not in Romania. All orders in the online store are delivered exclusively in Romania or can be picked up from our aforementioned center in Bucharest.

3.8.      Each product in the buyer’s order is prepared and packaged by hand, in a succession of manual operations. Wayra Astrae issues the invoice for all purchased products.

3.9.      Each order has a related tax receipt, containing all the pieces of information about the ordered products: product name, price, quantity, delivery costs – if the delivery fee is charged.

3.10.    Online orders for workshops, ceremonies and therapies shall be confirmed by e-mail: contact@wayra-astrae.ro. The date and place of a therapy (online or in person) shall be proposed and established either by phone or by message, and confirmed in writing by e-mail or message.

IV.     Delivery

4.1.      Delivery of the ordered products shall be made by Wayra Astrae to the address indicated upon placing the order. Deliveries of products are made only in Romania. It is the sole responsibility of the buyer to provide a correct address.

4.2.      Delivery costs: For packages up to 1 (one) kg, the delivery cost is of RON 23 (twenty-three) by express courier, chosen by the seller.

4.3.      Orders placed on the Wayra Astrae website can be picked up from the Wayra Astrae center, if the buyer made this option before placing the order.

V.      Payment

5.1.      The payment for the products ordered via the online store shall be made using the www.wayra-astrae.ro website, online payment Gateway provided by Netopia – MobilPay, or cash at the Wayra Astrae center.

VI.     Order Receipt and Product Replacement

6.1.      The products shall be delivered to the address indicated in the order, between 09:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. by the representative of the express courier chosen by the seller. They shall try to contact the buyer by phone or message in advance. If the order is not accepted, you shall receive a notification, following which you shall be able to pick up the order from the Wayra Astrae store in Bucharest, by the next Friday, at 3:00 p.m. at the latest.

6.2.      Upon order receipt, the buyer shall check each item contained in the package and make sure that the products correspond to those indicated on the receipt and the order placed. If any irregularities are noticed, the buyer shall immediately contact Wayra Astrae for the settlement thereof.

6.3.      If the delivery is complete, the buyer shall sign for receipt. After that, we shall no longer be able to accept complaints about incomplete orders.

6.4.      If the products are damaged and this occurred prior to the order takeover or during delivery, the buyer shall notify Wayra Astrae at contact@wayra-astrae.ro within 24 (twenty-four) hours of receiving the order. In such situations, Wayra Astrae shall replace the defective products or offer a discount on their price, upon the request of the buyer.

6.5       Wayra Astrae send products out of stock within maximum 72 (seventy-two) hours, by express courier.

6.6.      Attendance at workshops, ceremonies, or in-person meetings at the Wayra Astrae Center requires that you agree to the following statements:


I, the undersigned ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (surname and first name, ID series and no., Personal Identification Number)

…………………….. citizen

being aware of the provisions of art. 326 of the Criminal Code on false statements, I hereby state on my own liability,

  1. that I have not traveled over the last 14 days to/from coronavirus risk areas, namely to____________________;
  2. that I have / have not been in contact with people suspected of having coronavirus infection;
  3. I have/I do not have disease-specific symptoms – fever, cough, difficulty breathing, muscle aches.

The following information must be read carefully and signed in full knowledge of the facts:

As used in this Statement, the term “WAYRA ASTRAE SRL” is defined to include the following: the company, the shareholders thereof, the directors, managers, former and current employees, agents, representatives, collaborators, contractors and the employees thereof.


WAYRA ASTRAE SRL aims at providing services at the highest standard of quality, ethics, professionalism and confidentiality.

We provide specific information to those who request our services. It is NOT a legal or medical recommendation and no recommendation.

Our services address the spiritual and psychological side of the illness, condition and disorder and should not be treated as a substitute for appropriate medical or mental health services, which we strongly encourage you to follow as recommended by your physician or specialist.

WAYRA ASTRAE SRL assumes no kind of responsibility towards any person for the knowledge, information or advice (or use of such information or advice) that is provided to its customers. Knowledge, information or advice is provided on the basis of the assumption of responsibility by all people involved for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content and the future use thereof for itself or for any other people.


The undersigned signs this INFORMATIVE STATEMENT today, on …………..:








I certify the fact that I do not have any medical, mental or mental condition that I am or could have been aware of and which could affect my ability to safely request the services of WAYRA ASTRAE SRL or which could lead to the existence of a risk of danger to myself or anyone else.


I finally and irrevocably state that I waive of the right to take any legal action against WAYRA ASTRAE SRL, regardless of the type of action and the claims therein inserted, regarding any obligation of WAYRA ASTRAE SRL towards me, my representatives, proxies, heirs and relatives, finally and irrevocably waiving of the right to claim any compensation, damages, costs or expenses of any kind, nature or description, whether direct or indirect, de facto or de jure, resulting from or related to my participation in the requested services, sessions, seminars or while I am at the location of WAYRA ASTRAE SRL, whether or not it was caused by the active or passive attitude of  WAYRA ASTRAE SRL.


I undertake to behave in a civilized and proper manner throughout the session, seminars or while being at the location of WAYRA ASTRAE SRL, to show respect for all people, pieces of equipment and facilities and to participate with a cooperative and positive attitude.


I certify that I am not under the influence of alcohol or any substances, regardless of the nature of the substances, which could affect in any way my ability to safely request the services of WAYRA ASTRAE SRL.


I grant the right, permission and authority to WAYRA ASTRAE SRL to use my photo, videos, recordings or the like, for any legitimate interest, including, but not limited to promotion, advertising and marketing activities: □ I agree; □ I do not agree.


I have read, understood and accepted all terms and conditions indicated in this INFORMATIVE STATEMENT



VII.     Product Return

7.1.      Therapies and sessions: If they are ordered and paid for online, they can be canceled no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the scheduled delivery date for therapies or sessions. If cancellation is requested by the buyer less than 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the date on which Therapies and sessions are scheduled, the reimbursement of the amount paid by the buyer is no longer possible. At the exclusive decision of WAYRA ASTRAE SRL, Therapies and sessions can be rescheduled at a later date.

7.2       Leased Premises: In the case of rental of premises, the cancellation of the space rental can be made no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the date set for the access to the Rented Premises. If cancellation is requested by the buyer less than 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the date scheduled for access to the rented premises, WAYRA ASTRAE SRL shall reimburse the buyer only 50% (fifty percent) of the amount thereby paid for the rented premises, the rest of the amount paid being deemed contractual compensation owed by the buyer.

7.3       Workshops: The buyer is bound to pay in advance the amount equal to 50% (fifty percent) of the total value of the services provided by WAYRA ASTRAE SRL, the amount being non-refundable in case of cancellation by the buyer less than 72 (seventy-two) hours prior to the date scheduled for the Workshop. If the buyer cancels the Workshop more than 72 (seventy-two) hours prior to the date scheduled for the Workshop, they are entitled to a refund equal to 50% (fifty percent) of the total value of the services provided by WAYRA ASTRAE SRL. In case of cancellation by the buyer less than 72 (seventy-two) hours prior to the date scheduled for the Workshop or failure to appear at the Workshop, the amounts paid as an advance by the buyer are non-refundable, being withheld by WAYRA ASTRAE SRL as contractual compensation.

VIII.  Remote Conclusion of the Contract

8.1.      After the payment settlement and delivery of the products, the remote contract for the order placed by the buyer in the online store terminates.

IX.     Safe Use of the Online Store

9.1.      Buying from this online store means that you are aware of and accept the opportunities and restrictions related to Internet use, especially in terms of technical performance and any possible errors. Buyers assume any responsibility for orders placed and transactions involving the use of personal data. Considering the aforementioned, please make sure that your data is properly controlled.

9.2.      Wayra Astrae is not liable for any of the errors listed below:

–           possible malfunctions of internet networks that may affect the proper operation of the online store;

–           any error occurred in any transmission device of the communication lines;

–           loss of any documents, whether printed or electronic, and in particular the loss of any data;

–           improper operation of any software program;

–           consequences of any error arising from the improper operation of any software or unforeseen events or technical errors.

9.3.      Wayra Astrae is not liable for force majeure cases or events beyond the control thereof.

9.4.      Wayra Astrae is not liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by the registration in the online store, irrespective of the reason.

9.5       Buyers are responsible for the protection of their personal data necessary to register in the online store towards any third party, as well as for the purchases made via the online store.

9.6       Wayra Astrae reserves its right to change at any time the Terms and Conditions of Purchase, as well as the offer or any special offers of the online store, irrespective of the reason. The changes are valid starting with the communication date thereof on the website and therefore do not affect orders placed prior to this date. Wayra Astrae is not bound to provide any further explanation on the implementation of any changes, other than the above. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions on possible changes, please cancel your order.

9.7       Wayra Astrae shall report any detected attempted fraud to the police and law enforcement agencies.

9.8       Wayra Astrae shall not be liable for any fraud committed by a third party to the detriment of any user. If a user breaches the regulation in any form, Wayra Astrae shall cancel their registration and orders, and the buyer shall not be entitled to challenge the decision.

9.9       Wayra Astrae undertakes no liability for erroneous performance resulting from the supply of erroneous data during the purchase process.

9.10.    Wayra Astrae is a location specializing in complementary therapies and personal development. For any medical treatment or prescription, of any kind, please contact a medical doctor. Wayra Astrae does not provide medical treatments or medical advice.

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