Mystic Mag – an interview by Petar Vohjinovic with monika puiu

I was invited by Mystic Mag to an interview about my activity and how it might help somebody to discover themselves and to heal old ingrained wounds. Because I am often asked what I am actually doing and how this could possibly work for my clients, I would like to share the interview here. We are so much more than just our mind. Still, most of us are using mainly the mind to go through life. A friend of mine said that...

Do planets influence our lives?

A friend of mine said that astrology can only be bogus because “I just do not believe that some rock or some gas baloon out there makes things happen in my life!”   Since then, I am more careful when I talk about a chart, because I also sound sometimes like “Mr. Pluto comes along and kicks me”.   Of course, planets do not make us do things or make other people do things to us but the constellation in our solar system is...

Ayahuasca becomes a fruitful experience only under the guidance of a skillful ayahuasquero!

Here is what I learned from the discussion I had this fall with Miruna and Radu Nagy, the founders of the Inca Energetic Medicine School in Romania, together with Florentina Popovici. Invited by Monika Puiu to Wayra Astrae, they told me fascinating things about the mythical and shamanic horizon of the Andean space.   Our discussion - reported in two previous articles - began related to shamanism and the specifics of the school founded by Miruna and Radu. As I understood its...

Sacred music – is music sacred for you?

In all ancient traditions music has a sacred role, some developed special techniques of rattling, some drumming, some singing and chanting. There are tales from the Sami people, whose drums were burned, because upcoming Christianity feared the magical power of their drumming. As a result, they developed singing. Have you heard the Sami sing? During my Ayahuasca ceremony, when the Ayahuasciero starts to rattle and sing, the magic increases many-fold. Music is the universal language of love. We might understand it in very...

Experiential Astrology – your astrological blueprint!

I share the belief with my teacher, friend and mentor, Judy Hall, the belief that we have chosen carefully the time and place of our birth according to the energy we need to learn and what we want to learn, throughout this lifetime. So, if you think this is bogus – just stop here, all I have to say is based on that belief, that I consider knowledge. For me there is no need to proof it, I fully trust my...

The Saturn Cycle – a prominent cycle in your life

Life flows in cycles and in my opinion the best reflection of these cycles is our planetary system. Today I want to talk about the Saturn cycle: Every 7 years Saturn reaches a major angle to the position in your natal chart. At about 7 years old you start school, at about 14 you start questioning the authority of your parents and at about 21 you start life on your own. When Saturn comes back first time at its natal position, at the...

Living shamanically!

Can you live shamanically in the middle of a city? I say YES! Living shamanically means I respect Mother Earth and feel I am an integral part of it. I am as important to this earth as is anything else and I include rocks, plants, animals and humans and all that lives beyond our seeing eyes. It also means to live in the present and travel into the past and into the future. I am responsible for my own life, for my...

Conscious Capitalism or Spiritual Entrepreneurship!

I do not intend to proof here that energy exists, that we are energy in the first place. That we are spiritual beings in the first place. This would be like trying to proof that our solar system exists. My question is, why and when did it become ‘unspeakable’. A few days ago I read the term ‘conscious capitalism’ is this not the same as ‘spiritual entrepreneurship’? While ‘conscious capitalism’ sounds really forward thinking, ‘spiritual entrepreneurship’ is considered naive rubbish to many...

Myth busting: I do not make money if I follow a spiritual path!

Spirituality is:

- the respect for all there is - connect with all there is - let unconditional love flow between you and all there is - knowing that we are all energy - knowing that before anything else, we are an eternal soul being, that creates a body and a mind every time we come into a human form Spirituality is living according to natural law. Nowhere in all the above I can deduct that this cannot be money.

Money is:

- energy - what I give in exchange...

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