Access Consciousness Bars ®

Access Consciousness Bars® – accessing bars or bands, is a body activation that generates a dynamic change by touching 32 points on the head, which correlate with different aspects and bearings in life like: relationships, health, money, control, creativity, sexuality, aging, communication, realization and more.

These points hold information about electromagnetic components of all thoughts, ideas, decisions and beliefs which we have about anything and once touched are cleared and free. This way we have infinite space to create with ease and delight anew. Body and mind start to function in balance and become more energetic, clear, calm, conscious and anchored to the present.

After an Access Consciousness Bars® therapy you will have a relaxed body and calm mind. This leads to the first steps to new decisions and possibilities made with ease and your entire life can change as a result of your new bearing.


  • brings easiness, clarity and consciousness
  • brings relaxation and a good nights sleep (in case of insomnia)
  • uplifts personal relations
  • Increases self esteem and belief in oneself
  • can open and extend consciousness
  • de-blocks creativity
  • improves depressive and anxious states
  • changes limiting and negative beliefs
  • enhances the ability to concentrate (for students before exams)
  • liberates stress and tension
  • slows down the brain waves to a Theta state, even Delta by reducing wandering thoughts
  • deletes imported beliefs and energies taken from other people or trans-generational influences that no longer serve a purpose
  • invites creative capacity into the life, finances, business and relations
  • creates a flow of abundance and prosperity

After an Access Consciousness Bars® therapy session you come out with a relaxed body and a calm mind. It will be your first step into new decisions and possibilities made with ease and your whole life will change!

“How would it be if you would live your life to your highest potential?”
Gary Douglas


  • 230 lei / session

Aprox duration

  • 90 min

Sign up for this therapy


For details and appointments please contact us on 0720 000 031 or on

Free of charge cancellation can be done up to 24 hours before the agreed rental time.

Cancelletaion with 24 hours before the agreed rental time will be charged with 50 % of the respective rent.

Wayra Astrae is home to complimentary therapies and personal development. For medical treatment and prescription drugs please consult a medical practitioner.

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