Wayra Astrae provides different holistic therapies for everyone who wants to go beyond the physical pain, who wants to grow as a person, who is looking to understand the real reason 'Why you are here".

Many physical and psychical disorders are the result of not expressing your real self or are a karmic learning process. This is not fated, you can work with the real reason behind physical or mental condition and apply help from the plant world and from the spiritual world.

We believe in the power of holistic healing and healing from within.

We believe in finding the reason(s) why we have certain struggles and that the only way to heal is to see the ‘whole’ version of ourselves.

Holistic Therapies

Free Discovery Session

We invite you to a talk about your subject. How are you now? During this session we will assess the major areas of your life through your Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit. We will identify where you are feeling blocked or stuck in life, where you may have some hidden self-limiting beliefs that may be [...]

Shamanic Therapy

Shamanic Therapy When you are in search for answers why certain situation and experiences repeat itself over and over, when you feel blocked, reached an end of a lane, when you are sad without a concrete reason or any other situation that you want to get out of but do not know how, look into [...]

Tie Cutting

Tie Cutting Want to be free from old conditioning, from a behavior that is not helping you in present times? We are reconnecting in the present life with many people that we have spent lifes before. Our relations are subject to previous conditioning and life experiences. Often we behave according to situations we went through [...]

Individual Experiential Astrogram

Individual Experiential Astrogram You probably know that your chart shows the energetic blue print that you came in this world with and it shows the direction you want to take and the learning you want to do in your life. One method - out of many - to understand a bit better the dynamics you [...]

Karmic Astrology

Karmic astrology reading When you want your chart to be read, you usually come with clear questions. If that question is about your life, especially ‘why you are here?’ ‘what is the purpose you came in the first place?’, or also more specific questions that concern all your life here, we recommend a karmic chart [...]

Lymaphatic drainage therapy

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE THERAPY. VISCERAL AND JOINTS MANIPULATION. Lymaphatic drainage therapy and deep fascial MASSAGE. This manual approach to the body allows to remove tension and blocks from the lymph nodes and vessels. Aims of therapy is to reduce swelling in different areas of the body. Manualy reducing edema helps to restore mobility and motility organs, [...]

Art Therapy

Private Art Therapy sessions What you create outside is recreated inside you. Art Therapy is an active form of therapy that views the creation of a therapeutic session as a process of self-revelation, awareness, but also reinvention, self-recreation and finding new creative ways of action. In an Art Therapy session you will see, experience and [...]

Holistic Mentoring Session

Holistic Coaching Sometimes we do not see the forest because of the many trees. This can happen in any part of your life, personal or professional. We evolve by meeting obstacles and in overcoming them, we become a better version of ourselves and will lead a more fulfilled live. It certainly happened at least once [...]

Coaching for Young People

Coaching for Young People First life challenges in our kids’ life are very much marked by the experiences and the expectations of the adults of the authority figues in their lives. The adults even if they don’t counsciountly want and often with their best intentions, load, put pressure, create stress where normally there could be [...]

Osteopathy session

Osteopathy session Osteopathy will treat you as a whole, not just the part that hurts. Each one of us is a highly complex system consisting not just of muscles, skeletal structures, internal organs, nervous structures and fascial tissue. Each part of us (including our psyche, mind, emotions) and even the environment where we live, are [...]

Craniosacral Therapy

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY - OSTEOPATHY BODY-MIND-NERVOUS SYSTEM-SPIRIT-ENERGY Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach to assessing and improving the craniosacral system, which consists of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid. By giving attention to the cerebrospinal fluid that is felt throughout the body, we can find pathological patterns that disrupt the [...]

Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy

Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy is a physical therapy using a gentle touch. This therapy helps balance the nervous system and supports the immune system. The client's inherent body intelligence comes up in a profound way to self-organize and heal. This therapy helps the client to return to a state of safety and peace, [...]

Couple and Family therapy

Couple and Family therapy In the family we create, we often face blockages that uncounsciously come from the families in which we were raised and educated. These challenges come also from unshared and uncommunicated expectations that end up causing frustration, misunderstanding, distance. The conclusions may be: „ this is how I am/ you are”, „we [...]

Psychosomatic Therapy

Psychosomatic Therapy We invite you to discover psychosomatic therapy at our center, a journey of body-mind reconnection. This holistic approach is rooted in the intelligence of the body, in touching and listening to it carefully in order to put into motion the innate healing capacity of the body, thus paving the way for a deeper [...]


Access Consciousness Bars ® Access Consciousness Bars® - accessing bars or bands, is a body activation that generates a dynamic change by touching 32 points on the head, which correlate with different aspects and bearings in life like: relationships, health, money, control, creativity, sexuality, aging, communication, realization and more. These points hold information about electromagnetic [...]

Energy Therapy: Harmonizing the body and soul

Energy Therapy: Harmonizing the body and soul Energy therapy is a holistic approach aimed at restoring the energy balance of the human being by cleansing, harmonizing and renewing the subtle structures. This practice integrates dedicated techniques for releasing energy blockages, healing the aura and balancing the chakras, contributing to overall well-being and reconnection with the [...]


Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System (MTVSS) Out of those over 50 applications of Access consciousness®, MTVSS is by far the most dynamic and extensive. Access Consciousness works with energies which help the body to heal and to release what is not needed or helpful anymore. ​Negative thoughts and emotions create certain chemical reactions in the [...]

Theta Healing® Therapy

Theta Healing® Therapy Designed by Vianna Stibal, Theta Healing® is an energetic healing and balancing technique on all levels of our structure. The technique uses Theta brain waves that the therapist accesses through meditation to connect to the Creator and with the client's consent, new perspectives are accessed, blockages are released as much as possible [...]

Yoga Services

Yoga Services Thursdays at 9 am Most people have an idea about what yoga is, and based on that idea they decide whether to start attending a yoga class or to not step foot in one. Let's bring a little more clarity to the concept. Yoga is an entire way of conducting one's life, a [...]

Breathwork and meditation

Breathwork and meditation Breathing techniques, conscious breathing, pranayama… there are many terms today that describe different ways of controlled breathing. The term Pranayama is derived from several Sanskrit roots: prana meaning "life force", yama meaning "control" and ayama meaning "extension" or "expansion". The breath is a symbol of life force, prana, and pranayama can be [...]

Cosmoenergetics Therapy

Cosmoenergetics Therapy Cosmoenergetics represents the world around us and the diversity of forms of energy from which this world is created, as well as the possibilities of their use in life. It was founded in the early 1990s by the Russian scientist Vladimir Petrov, who formed a synthesis of all his acquired and experienced knowledge, [...]

Kuia Limpia

Kuia Limpia Using an ancient shamanic technique, this delicate massage with sacred stones eliminates energetic blockages stored in the celular memory. The therapist lets him/herself be guided by the stones and leads you into a state of profound relaxation that brings physic and emotional healing. Kuia Limpia is a powerful process recommended when you feel [...]


Tarot   Discover the Answers and Clarity You Need Tarot is more than just a collection of captivating cards; it’s a profound tool for introspection, guidance, and clarity. A tarot session at Wayra Astrae is a sacred space where we explore the answers you seek, whether they relate to love, career, finances, or other challenges [...]

Coaching Sistemic

Coaching Sistemic   Exploring the Systems That Shape Your Life Systemic coaching is more than just a coaching conversation; it is a deep journey into the dynamics of the systems you are a part of—whether family, personal relationships, professional teams, or organizations. This unique process harmoniously blends the structured approach of coaching with the profound [...]

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