Mar 25 2022
25 March 2022

Lightgrid Mandala and Theta Healing®

  • 09:00 AM
  • Online Event (Zoom)

Topic: I am creative

How many times have you been stuck in situations where you couldn’t find solutions? Or did you “spin” in the same patterns of behavior and action?

To be creative means to understand a situation from a different perspective, different from the usual one. Get out of familiar patterns, find and apply unique solutions to situations in everyday life.

The intention of this mandala is to manifest creativity on all registers of daily life, to help us move gently from rational (logic) to creative (out of the box) and to see reality with “other eyes”. And then to balance the rational with the creative to materialize.

Through the Theta Healing technique we will ask for healings or manifestations from a new perspective on the worked topic.

At the end you can choose and you will receive another mandala that you feel like working on individually.

You can find details about Lightgrid Mandala here https://wayra-astrae.ro/en/holistic-therapies/lightgrid-mandalas/

You can find details about Theta Healing® here https://wayra-astrae.ro/en/holistic-therapies/theta-healing-therapy/

For the meeting you need:

  • to print your dotted mandala on an A4 white sheet,
  • colored pencils + normal pencil + eraser + sharpener,
  • internet connection and Zoom application (laptop / desktop or phone),
  • time and space for you to create the mandala in silence

You don’t have to be taleted in drawing or painting, even better if you’re not because you will allow to express through the mandala what comes to you intuitively and what you feel.

Facilitators: Anca Mariela Stefanescu, Personal Development Counselor, Combined Arts and Lightgrid Mandala Therapist, Theta Healing® Practitioner, Phronetik® Art Therapist

Number of participants: min 3, max 10

Recommended minimum age: 7 years

Not recommended for pregnant women!


Location: online through the Zoom platform

Duration: about 3 hours

Personal investment:

Until March 18th: 60 lei

After March 18th: 90 lei

Payment: Transilvania Bank RO49BTRLRONCRT0419073501 Wayra Astrae with specification “Workshop mandala and your name”

Or directly with by card on https://wayra-astrae.ro/en/holistic-therapies/lightgrid-mandalas/

For registration: please send an email to contact@wayra-astrae.ro, including your date of birth and proof of full payment, until March 24th at 16:00 h.

After that you will receive by email the mandala support to print, and on March 25th before 16:00 you will receive the link to the meeting on Zoom.

* If you have registered and no longer participate but announce 24 hours before the event, we will refund 50% of the amount. If you have registered and no longer participate but do not notify, the amount paid will not be refunded.

We welcome you with an open heart!