Heart to heart with a holy mountain
First time in my life that I heard about Ausangate was in 2013 during my shamanic training. As part of the same training I traveled to Peru and we visited Sacsayhuaman, a ceremonial city of the Incan rulers. During this first time there, I explored the site on my own and at some point I wanted to know where Apu Ausangate was. The weather was not very good and I could not see very far, so I started to detect with my senses and then I made my first heart to heart connection with this sacred mountain. I knew exactly where it was and a tour guide nearby confirmed that i sensed right. At no time during this trip did the mountain show himself to me. Two years later I was back in Cusco and in Sacsayhuaman and again, I could not see Ausangate. A year later I planned a trip to the foot of the mountain to the green lagunes, perhaps the closest I could get with my severe lung condition. I was afraid to go there and even I did not eat the day before, I vomited all night. It was like I had to be the lightest I could be at the time. We drove up as close as possible. The temperature was well below 0, it was raining ice. I have no idea what kind of strength made me walk. I did ceremony with a friend and shaman and all this time Ausangate was in clear sight, just in front of me, the green lagunes beautifully laid out and a herd of lamas at the other side.
Once before I came as cloth to death, as close to a collapse of my lungs. When the oxigen gets so low in my body, I cannot keep myself warm and the first parts of the body which start to get numb are the hands and arms. The sight was beyond beautiful and the ceremony a sacred act that I will never forget. I do not know how I got back to the car and I have only some glimpses of crossing, stone hopping, a wild river of unbelievable beauty. Once in the car, all I did was getting myself

We passed a rock at which an eagle sat in the icy rain. The sight is forever in my mind. All the trip, I was unable to make photos, it did not cross my mind. After this visit I was again walking Sacsayhuaman and all the time Ausangate was in full sight, a beautiful majestic mountain. A few days later, I visited a moon temple in the Cusco area and again he was posing for me to photograph. Now, while I write this, sitting at my desk in Bucharest and tuning into this connection with Ausangate it seems to me that I understand with my heart the connection the Qero people have with their sacred mountains. I promise myself to heal and to be able in much better condition to visit
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