Myth busting: Is shamanism equal to black magic
A shaman, a medicine man or woman, a mystique, should always work for the highest good of his or her client!
White magic, spirituality – as I call it, means that I work with the highest good of a person, I do not know better, my will does not create something in someone elses life. I cooperate with the spirit guides of my client to fulfill his/her mission in this life and bring balance, right relation, Ayni, into the present moment.
And if I work with myself, I let my soul guide me, not my mind.
Black magic uses spiritual instruments to alter the energy of someone without his/her permission, for the interest of the guides or the clients mind and will.
A practical difference: Someone wants a business to materialise, to bring profit.
Black magic targets a certain partner and influences his energy to cooperate.
Spirituality creates a balance so the client can find the right partner or domain according to his/her personal needs and evolution. Opens also much more possibilities and the ability to find totally new ways to grow.

In both cases the outcome might be profit, but the first one
– creates karma, is not sustainable and is most probably of short term
and the later one is
– working with my higher good, creates dharma and wellbeing, besides the profit.
Examples of this can be extended to any area of our lives.
Black is intruding the energy of others, steals something from the energy of others and spirituality opens doors and invites the new into our lives.
Never work with someone who promises to make a certain business partner or private partner to be with you.
In my shamanic therapy practice, I never intrude the energy of others, I work with the energy of my client in the sense that I bring light into areas where there was heavy energy. I work with the lower or inner world and with the upper world. I go back in time and clear old habits and recover lost parts of our soul.
After a shamanic therapy session you feel light and you will establish the new light in your life. You are an active part of the process. If you want to walk the path of awakening, of enlightenment, shamanic therapy is a great help and light on your path.
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