Is spirituality and shamanism a religion?
The short answer is ‘definitely not’!
Shamanism is not a religion and even if religions can be very spiritual and are followed by spiritual people, religion for me talks about dogmatic principles. Spirituality should be the essence of all religions, no matter the name and no matter the principles.
A shaman or a healer or a medicine man works with the 3 worlds, the lower world or our inner world, the middle world, our every day understanding of being and the upper world, the spiritual guidance, he or she follows the law of nature. As above, so below, as outside, so within!
Today’s shamans, medicine man, mystics or healers follow many different religions, or do not follow any.
A shamanic therapy brings balance into our life, where we are out of balance and initiates a good flow, where we have accepted blockages.
A shaman is not a priest, who connects us with God and he/she does not have his specific god. When we are talking about spirituality, we are talking about the fact that everything is energy in the first place and then comes matter.
If we are not in balance with a certain subject, we draw our energy in a certain direction or another, or we lack energy due to a blockage, it affects us mentally, hinders the flow of life and eventually we get ill. Through the disease the body shows us that we are not in balance. Every disease is based on an imbalance in our energy field and as we need a doctor to treat us and help the body heal, we also need to bring balance in our energy and in our mind.
If you are interested in spirituality and the flow of energies, it does not mean that you are no longer allowed to follow your religion.
Spirituality has no laws made by a church or people, the law of nature of which we are an integral part, and prayers – to any god – bring us balance.
People have long tried to seek separation from the law of nature, and I think it’s easy to understand that this is not possible.
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