Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System (MTVSS)

Out of those over 50 applications of Access consciousness®, MTVSS is by far the most dynamic and extensive. Access Consciousness works with energies which help the body to heal and to release what is not needed or helpful anymore.

​Negative thoughts and emotions create certain chemical reactions in the body which can lead to an imbalance in the hormonal system, abnormal cellular growth and a low immunity, No human being is made to live in stress or in survival mode, fight or flight response for longer periods and still many people do so, hours, months or oven years. This is the base for illnesses like cancer, diabetes, heart decease and many more.

Pain is a message from the body for you, the body’s way to say – ‘do something’!

MTVSS facilitates the healing of your body, eliminates pain and intrusive energies. The body has the capacity to regenerate by itself when blockages are released and energy can flow in all parts of the body.

MTVSS is applied by touching parts of the body softly with the hands and the practitioner activates and brings certain energies to the surface and helps the body to reset the entire structure.

MTVSS facilitates healing in the body and eliminates pain and intrusive energies.

”The Body has the capacity to regenerate itself.”


  • 210 lei / session
  • 945 lei/ subscription of 5 therapies (instead of 1050 Lei)*

*The subscription is not transferable.

​​ Aprox. Duration:

  • 90 min

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For details and appointments please contact us on 0720 000 031 or on

Free of charge cancellation can be done up to 24 hours before the agreed rental time.

Cancelletaion with 24 hours before the agreed rental time will be charged with 50 % of the respective rent.

Wayra Astrae is home to complimentary therapies and personal development. For medical treatment and prescription drugs please consult a medical practitioner.


Wayra Astrae

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