The Saturn Cycle – a prominent cycle in your life
Life flows in cycles and in my opinion the best reflection of these cycles is our planetary system.
Today I want to talk about the Saturn cycle:
Every 7 years Saturn reaches a major angle to the position in your natal chart. At about 7 years old you start school, at about 14 you start questioning the authority of your parents and at about 21 you start life on your own.
When Saturn comes back first time at its natal position, at the age of 28/29, you start questioning, if what you are doing serves your life’s purpose or you still serve the rules and conditioning of the society you are born into or the guidance of your parents.
Did you choose a profession that your parents told you to choose or did you choose what you felt drawn to?
Did you marry the man/the woman of your choice or are you together with someone that your society considers worthy or your family likes to see you being with.
Of course, nothing is as black and white as I said it and there are many more influences to be considered. If I say choice, it is not a conscious choice most of the time.
We consider that we act on our own will and wishes, yet we really act to be seen and to be loved. Because to be loved and respected are among our most important needs.
So here you are, 28/29 ayears old and you discover that the profession you learned and where you started to perform, is actually not what you want.

The energy of Saturn is of manifestation, to become an authority, to grow roots and reach excellence.
If you did follow your own path and are on the way to become an authority, grow roots and reach excellence, you will not feel much during the time of your first Saturn return to the place he was in your birth chart.
If you are not yet fully on your own authentic path, you will feel pulled and pushed, all in order to correct your path. You will meet people, fascinating people that will show you how it could have worked for you if you would have followed your desired profession. You will get challenged in your profession or in your personal life, or both. It is the first time in your life that you look into a mirror and question, if what you are doing is really making you happy.
Let us say you have studied medicine, because this makes a lot of money and is most respectable in your society. You spent years of learning day and night, it was incredibly difficult and you made it. For medicine you gave up becoming a violinist. All your community, your society will applaud you and envy you for the remarkable achievement and you start earning money with your profession.
Now Saturn is coming along and you are confronted with a working environment that is difficult to say the least. Your boss is pushing you to work like a slave and he/she is taking the benefits of your work. Your girlfriend or wife runs away with a violinist.
Would you have the guts, at this point, to say ‘Guys it was a mistake, I will become a professional musician now!’ Most probably not, even if the life in a hospital is really not yours and the environment takes a big toll on your emotional wellbeing.
You blame your boss and your girlfriend, get over it, plough on and conform to the lifestyle that is expected from you, after all you are a respectable doctor. Yet, what you do about your situation at any point in your life is your choice. To blame others, the parents, the spouse, the government, to boss, is your choice. You might as well change your situation – with risks and difficulties, but you are in the driver’s seat of your life if you want to.
When you just thought everything is good at around 35, the next push comes along and now it is most probably really too late to become a successful violinist. But then nothing is ever too late, you could spend recreational time in concerts and play your violin as a hobby, become a member in a quartett and do your music for the love of it.
If you continue to walk a path that is not yours and do not find a way to turn onto your soul purpose, you will, latest around the 2nd Saturn return, at the age of 56, have one or more cataclysmic event, that will take you out of your life situation, block you from going ahead and you will then start walking towards your own becoming.
Some people call this awakening, other call it fate and I call it life long learning, the path to your own bliss.

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