Synchronicity or random encounter?
About Synchronicity – we say it occurs if we are aligned to our higher purpose and in balance with the world around us.
During several sessions of fascia therapy, my therapist, Gabriela Apostol and me concluded that the issues and blockages that showed up in my body are very old and it would be good to do a regression. I first did regressions 15-20 years ago with Judy Hall, and knowing that she no longer does them put me in quite a difficult position as I knew nobody else that did.
The very same evening after we concluded this, very randomly, I read a message on a Facebook group which has nothing to do with spirituality or personal development. This message was from someone that does hypnosis therapy and past life therapy. So, of course I saw my opportunity and reached out immediately and shortly we had our first session held online.
In the meantime we have done 6 past life therapy sessions, each consecutive one more revealing than the other, it is deep and clearing cleansing work. I discovered limitations that I did not even know I had and lifted the structure of belief behind them. I made peace with so many past life encounters, but especially and most importantly I made peace with myself. I do not want to name all the advantages that I have already experienced by doing this, because for every individual they are very personal, and anyone who does it will learn something else.
I do not know where these sessions will lead me, but I know they came to me at the right time and I would never refuse a process of learning if it comes my way. I am here to learn as well as clear any old habits or beliefs that no longer serve me or my children.
Over the past month, during this period of internal work, many painful pieces of me left. In their stead remained a sort of emptiness that felt hopeful – like a blank canvas waiting to be filled with something new. I am so curious to see what painting will show itself!
It takes courage to look at your past but the result after this deep work is simply amazing.
Thank you Elina for speaking out and working with me so beautifully and thank you universe for sending me this beautiful, wonderful women that has guided me through this process.
Is this of any interest to you? Contact me right here for a free holistic coaching session or for the contact to the wonderful Elina, my past life therapist!
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