Building communities and strong connections
Whether we are giving it a great importance or whether it is just only an unavoidable part of our life that we live, we are all part of communities. Very few people are really totally disconnected.
I think we are made for connection and for forming communities. So we do in kindergarden, in school, in university, sports and leisure communities and in our work. We also go in and out of communities all the time. Once our children grew out of play-groups, we remain connected with some of the people, but others we loose. With these ‘some’ we might form other groups or just remain friends.
It is my strong belief that we need to raise our awareness much more on our connectedness to each other as humans and to all there is, especially to Mother Earth. We have all to become aware of the way we are connected to all life on earth and in the universe. I know that for many people today this is beyond comprehension and I cannot say that I myself am aware of it from a long time, but since I am, I realize how important this is.
During my last 30 years of professional life, it was always a target for me to form strong communities. I did so in one company and when I became responsible for another one as well, the difference between them became apparent by the group behavior and rules. It was my aim to build strength within this new community and I had great help from a wonderful team.
In a company and especially as a leader it is imperative to form a core of good professionals with an appetite for teamwork and getting together, doing things together. The wider and stronger the core, the stronger the feeling of belonging, the more they will radiate this sense of belonging out into every corner of the group . The target is to select not only good professionals but also people with a sense for forming a heart space within the company.
I saw many people coming and going. People left to seek a better position, to seek a place nearer to their home, a bigger salary or just for the change. Whenever I talked to one who left after some time, they always appreciated the community they had with us.
Three years ago, when I retired I got out of these 2 communities and during the last few days I joined one of them again for an inauguration of a project we started together several years ago. I am very happy to say that the core is excellent if not better than before. It felt so well to meet a few of those people that formed once my wider family and seeing them well and successful in what they are doing.
These days have been such a soothing confirmation that my strife for connection is valuable and brings wellbeing and success.
I wish you, NHR Agropartners and all its clients and collaborators success in whatever you are doing, may your connection to each other always be strong.

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